The HOA believes that voting is one of the most effective ways an individual can make their voice heard.   Whether it’s the opportunity to vote for for members of our  Tellico Village Property Owners Association Board, Loudon or Monroe County officials, State Representatives or the President and Vice President, it is important that we all do our part and VOTE.  

Below you will find several links to websites that are intended to provide you with information regarding upcoming elections, including timelines, locations, candidates and more:

Tennessee Online Voter Registration – Go Vote TN

Loudon County TN Elections Commission

Monroe County TN Elections Commission

TN State Elections Information

Tellico Village Property Owners Association Board Election Information

Please note the latest information regarding Tellico Village POA’s Policy on Political Signs as noted in the September 3rd, 2024 Tell-E-Gram:


After consulting with the local election commissions, it was determined that they consider the first day of Early Voting as the start of the general election period. In keeping with the local election commission, the TVPOA Board of Directors has decided to recognize the first day of Early Voting as the start of the election period. Early Voting begins Wednesday, October 16. Therefore, political signs can now be posted. As a reminder, the POA Policy states that signs must be removed the day after Election Day (November 6). 

The signs must follow the political sign policy below.

Political Sign Policy Highlights:

Political or campaign posters or signs may only be displayed on private Lots in Tellico Village during the period beginning sixty (60) days before a primary or general election until the day after such primary or general election, subject to the additional restrictions stated below. This Policy shall not apply to any TVPOA elections or issues.

Political or campaign posters or signs displayed on private Lots in Tellico Village shall be no larger than four (4) square feet in size; shall not be placed within any easements or street right of ways; and shall be placed within six (6) feet of the primary entrance to the driveway of the Lot upon which they are located.

No more than one (1) political or campaign poster or sign per candidate, issue, or subject may be displayed on any private Lot in Tellico Village. Political or campaign posters or signs displayed on private Lots in Tellico Village shall not be illuminated in any manner or elevated above ground level.

Political or campaign posters or signs shall not be displayed in common areas in Tellico Village. To read the entire Policy, click the button below.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping to keep Tellico Village a welcoming and respectful community for everyone.

Political Sign Policy
Flag Regulations in Tellico Village